Grief & Loss Spray ~ Overwhelming As Fuck


Grief & Loss Spray WARNING!!!!If you are not politicly correct or you don’t like any Sweary content, this product is probably not for you.


Grief & Loss Spray ~ Overwhelming As Fuck

If you are not politicly correct or you don’t like any Sweary content, this product is probably not for you.
Mental Health Fuck Off Auric Field Spray ~ “Grief & Loss” – Overwhelming As Fuck

Greif comes in many forms and it is all about our mental health/ mental state, just like every one deals with their grief differently to the next person.
This spray is formulated to heal extreme sadness and a broken heart.
It helps alleviate the symptoms of grief, loss, shock, mourning, disappointment and fear.

Handmade, Infused & Charged with Crystals & Reiki this blended spray is made from 100% natural and quality ingredient that has been selectively created to suit specific mental health issues.

Here’s a rundown of the components inside the mist bottle ~
100% natural and quality~ Essential Oils

Clary Sage
Witch-Hazel (a preservative to help it stay pure, a great antioxidant and it helps the wonderful aroma’s stay in your space longer)
Himalayan & Epsom salt
Moon charged distilled water

Try our Grief & Loss Spray  it is to assist to that are suffering to maintain there own energy and to help alleviate this mental health burden. We hope this help you!!

Pick up is available from Flora Hill (Bendigo) Victoria (Australia)

Enjoy your shopping experience with us 🙏

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
How Big

250 ml, 125 ml


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